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I’ll try to stay focused today. I need to write some serious fiction tonight.


– am a type 1 diabetic in my 37th year of battle.
– am 51 years old.
– ‘ve worn an insulin pump since 2006
– have battled diabetic proliferative retinopathy since 1994
– have received 4,000 plus lasers that kill the peripheral regions of my eyes
– experienced major bleeds in 2006 resulting in blindness and surgery (vitrectomy)
– suffered subsequent bleeds for two years
– decided I needed to risk a major change, so I tried a high fat low carb style of eating in 2008
– have been 911’d nine times while sleeping
– have experienced over 100 major hypoglycemic events [I’m thick headed]
– I’ve fought HBP at 145/80

Current Status:

I’m still at it and doing very well. I now run an A1C hovering 6%, my optho hasn’t seen any signs of damage since I started this way of eating, I’m down 20 pounds, I have much more energy, and I feel great, my BP is normal now with no meds.

I now have hope I’ll live until my senior years and actually be able to enjoy some of them.


But this post isn’t about all of these changes. This diet I follow centers around animals as food, and not just the red, stringy muscle but the fat too. In fact, the more fat the better. My breakfast is usually a cup of two of coffee with coconut oil (a saturated fat) and heavy whipping cream, no sugah. My dinner tonight was a package of bologna, some cheddar cheese, and some raw pineapple. My lunch was a bag of garden kale.

I eat the diet everybody says is supposed to kill me. Well, that’s what they say. The curious part, though, is when you ask them to explain it, they backtrack a bit:

“We know that cholesterol causes heart disease, and your diet raises cholesterol.”

“But have you studied whether this diet really results in heart disease? I mean, that’s one big assumption you’re making here.”


The standard response to this question is silence. Everybody believes so much in it that they feel there’s no need to support it to us radicals. The world is simply better off if we continued our suicidal paths — an estimated 10 million people worldwide have bought in to this plan.

The truth seems to be there’s no scientific evidence to support this belief that consuming fat and cholesterol kill. I could throw study after study after study at you, but honestly, I can’t even find a hint of science that supports it. Well, there is some.  I’ve pretty much convinced myself after my own reviews of the evidence, and I do ask supporters of the lipid hypothesis for their evidence, that this hypothesis actually has no sound basis. So far, nothing.

I’ll throw one little meta analysis at you. Dr. Ronald Krause has shown that there is in fact no association between saturated fat intake and heart disease. These are the studies this lipid hypothesis is based on, and they don’t even link to heart disease.

So back to cholesterol. Do I really care if fat makes my cholesterol rise if it doesn’t cause heart disease? Does fat even raise choelsterol? Studies used to arrive at this conclusion have also been debated, but I won’t get into those. Let’s assume studies show it’s true. I’m more curious about what it does to me. My records below go back four years, and when I started keeping track, I was taking a statin. This magic pill was supposed to produce magical cholesterol values, numbers I’d be able to write mom about if she were still alive. Numbers my endocrinologist was very happy with. Note that yellows are not on target — their targets. My ratios have all been optimal: they couldn’t get any better, yet he wanted me back on a statin because my LDL was not where a diabetic’s should be, never mind lowering it risks many things such as mental degradation and muscle [including the heart] damage.

Summary of targets: HDL should be high, LDL should be low, and Triglycerides (TG) should be below 150.

Debate: The low carb community wants TGs below 0.8 which indicates LDL particle size is large and fluffy and benign, the only measurement that really matters. I tend to agree. Low TGs will naturally increase LDL because of size increase: The Friedwald is a volume measurement, and particle size increases volume. As a test, throw ten grains of sand in a full glass of water. Then set ten larger pebbles or stones in it. That’s basically how the Friedwald test works to measure cholesterol.

So please, explain how my lipid profile has evolved into something that looks like I made it up it looks so good? I found a comment that said the highest HDL value ever seen was 117, and mine’s 112. Explain how this diet that is supposed to kill me does that? And now my LDL is lower than when I was on a statin. I’ll repeat that. My LDL, the value my doctor gets all worked up about, is as low as it was while I took his statin. Am I a freak of nature? Hopefully at a future appointment I’ll ask for my pre-2008 values. I’d really like to see what my numbers were before all this hoopla.

The bottom line: saturated fat is supposed to be deadly because it messes up cholesterol numbers. Right. You run with that people.

Chol History

Cardiovascular Risk:

John is a type 1 so falls into the high risk category. His LDL-C should be below 70 and his Non-HDL-C should be below 100.

Goal (mg/dL)
Risk category
Very high riska <100 (optional <70) <130 (optional <100)
High risk: CHDb or CHD risk equivalentc <100 <300
Moderately high risk: ≥2 risk factorsd (10-y risk, 10% to 20%) <130 (optional <100) 160 (optional <130)
Moderate risk: ≥2 risk factorsd (10-y risk <10%) 130 160
Lower risk 160 190